Friday, February 25, 2011

Five Question Friday! 2/25/11

Woohoo its Friday. I have a 3 day weekend ahead of me. Thanks to my work for making me take furlough days, but hey I can't complain to much it is my birthday on Monday. Have a good weekend.
1. Can you drive a stick shift?
Well Yes I can. I have driven a stick shift for 15 years. I can even drive a stick that has 10 gears in it. Doesn't that sound like fun. I think that everyone should learn how to drive to drive a stick shift. You never know when you will have to drive a car that is a standard and not an automatic.

2. What are two foods you just can't eat?
Radishes and turnip greens. They are not food they are poison. They should be removed from the planet.

3. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind?
No. They use to be good a long time ago but anymore they are not so good. I don't care for them anymore. If I want a cookie I much rather bake them myself.

4. How do you pamper yourself?
Go golfing. I don't get to do it much because of work, but I hope this year I can get out more.

5. What is your nickname and how did you get it?
I rather not say. I have many of them. But if you must know the best one that I had was from my great grandfather and he called me hacksaw. I don't how I got it but I think that it was the best nickname that I ever got.